Squarespace Websites For Artists

Pat Gallagher · March 29, 2023

Welcome! In this Course, we will be going through the process of making a Squarespace Website, step-by-step.

Squarespace is a Content Management System (CMS) and Website Builder all in one. Building and editing websites with Squarespace is super easy and efficient once you know the basics!

This Course will cover the topics you need to know to make creating your very own website painless:

  • Setting Up a Squarespace Account & Choosing a Plan
  • Choosing a Starting Template
  • Setting Your Site Styles (Fonts & Colors)
  • Adding & Organizing Site Pages
  • Using The Page Editor
  • Editing Site for Mobile Devices
  • Adding & Editing Photos
  • Creating Collection Pages (Shop, Gallery, Portfolio)
  • & More!

We have created a Squarespace Sites For Artists Group that we encourage you to join if you want feedback, assistance, or inspiration on your new website journey!

Let’s get started!

About Instructor

+987 enrolled
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons